Monday, October 25, 2004

Are we de-evolving?

Survival of the fittest made sure that only the strongest survived. Those who didn't have features that made sense and those that were weak would ultimately die and not procreate. Now, the way the world is, we make sure everyone lives and has as full of a life as possible no matter how strong or weak. While I agree with giving everyone the highest quality of life possible in a civilized society, I do wonder if we have stopped human evolution in its tracks.

For example, thousands of years ago, the people with slow metabolisms would be able to store food longer and would be the most likely to survive during times of famine. Now, those with slow metabolisms gain too much weight and are, many times, less healthy than those with fast metabolisms.

I am not going to get into some of the more controversial items here because I don't want to anger anyone. My simple point is that we might never get stronger as a race...or are we getting stronger in what matters more? Is it more important to let everyone have input into society? Perhaps we are evolving in a different way. Perhaps strength is no longer the be all, end all of existence. Perhaps it is wisdom and knowledge...or perhaps the goal constantly changes as we do.

Friday, October 22, 2004

Signs, Signs, Everywhere there's signs!!!

Why do people keep putting up signs saying who they support in upcoming elections? Does anyone actually care when they see a sign saying "Bush/Cheney" or "Kerry/Edwards"? Seeing signs is not going to sway my vote, and I doubt it'll sway anyone else's vote. People like who they like, and I think that all signs do is get people pissed off when they see one for the person that they don't support.

Someone put up one of the biggest signs that I've seen to date close to my house that says "Bush/Cheney". Someone else then proceeded to spray paint a large X over the sign. First, a huge gawdy sign made me think, "what's wrong with this Bush supporter". Then, a huge spray painted X made me think, "what's wrong with this anti-Bush person".

Don't get me wrong, I'm an advocate of free speech, but I just want people to know, putting up signs for a presidential election doesn't do a damn thing except annoy people, so don't waste your time or money.

Wednesday, October 20, 2004

What is The Matrix?

Several years ago, I came up with an idea VERY similar to The Matrix. Later, I found out that my cousin's cousin is friends with the guys who wrote The Matrix. Coincidence? I think not. I'll be waiting for my royalty check from the Wachowski brothers.

Tuesday, October 19, 2004

PC isn't always right

Why is it still politically correct to make comments about big people? It is no longer considered to be appropriate to make comments about someone's race or religion. Why can you still make comments about someone's weight and have it be acceptable?

Also, why do people feel the need to "help" people who are overweight? I'll admit, I'm overweight. When I'm about to eat something, I really don't need someone to say, "do you really need that?". Why'd you say it to me and not anyone else around who is eating the same thing? This single item will have the same effect on me as it does on everyone else. I'm not a frickin' moron. I probably know more about nutrition than you do, so leave me alone. Worry about yourself.

Friday, October 15, 2004

The few, the proud...the less?

Why do people continue to use the words "few" and "less" incorrectly? I'm tired of hearing and seeing advertisements that say, "this has less carbs". It's FEWER carbs, punk! You can have less money, or less water, but you'd say you have less water because you have fewer bottles. If people speak incorrectly that's fine...I hate when people correct grammar in everyday conversation, but in an edited commercial, or written on a label?! Do some proofreading for God's sake.

Thursday, October 14, 2004

I can't believe it's not butter

Have you ever taken the time to read all of the labels of things that you eat and drink? It's amazing to me how much artificial crap is in these things...aspartame, monosodium glutamate, caramel color, etc. What does this stuff do to us? I'm not sure, but since there aren't so many natural choices available anymore, I guess I'll find out along with everyone else.

Wednesday, October 13, 2004

Was Indiana Right?

In the movie, "Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade", we get to see a young Indiana Jones in the beginning. He is seem stealing the Cross of Coronado from some guys. His reason for doing this was, "it belongs in a museum". Does this make it right? As far as I'm concerned, those guys were digging for treasure and they found it. Is Indiana Jones right simply because he is Indiana Jones? I don't think so. Indiana was wrong. Those guys should be able to do whatever they want to with their findings.