Tuesday, October 19, 2004

PC isn't always right

Why is it still politically correct to make comments about big people? It is no longer considered to be appropriate to make comments about someone's race or religion. Why can you still make comments about someone's weight and have it be acceptable?

Also, why do people feel the need to "help" people who are overweight? I'll admit, I'm overweight. When I'm about to eat something, I really don't need someone to say, "do you really need that?". Why'd you say it to me and not anyone else around who is eating the same thing? This single item will have the same effect on me as it does on everyone else. I'm not a frickin' moron. I probably know more about nutrition than you do, so leave me alone. Worry about yourself.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's just like smoking. If a African American person walks into a resuraunt no one has any right to make them leave. So why should it be right to make a smoker leave? Discrimination. Some people say that it's a health risk so it's justified. No, discriminatiion is treating one group of people differently than another. That's exactly what their doing. ( Plus if they're so ticked off to make them leave in the first place then maybe they take up smoking - it might calm them down :) )

9:01 PM  

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