Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Water is good for you

Why don't they make cans of non-carbonated water? We have bottles and cans of juice, pop, beer, etc. Why aren't there cans of water?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

That's funny. Imagine sitting around with your buddies on a hot Sunday, watching the game. Everyone's having a great time, joking, laughing, and you're smiling, as you reach into your coolor and pull out a cold one. You pop it open: PSSHHHTT! The laughter subsides into a confused silence as your buddies look over and see that it's a can of....water? The laugh's on you as you're stuffed into a filthy trash can, which is then thrown into the pool. It's not so funny now, is it?

11:53 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Does the cost of making such a product become to much? Also, think about the properties of water that are being sold: purity, clarity, a sense of something fresh. No one could see in the can to determine if these qualities were present.

7:37 PM  

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