Friday, October 22, 2004

Signs, Signs, Everywhere there's signs!!!

Why do people keep putting up signs saying who they support in upcoming elections? Does anyone actually care when they see a sign saying "Bush/Cheney" or "Kerry/Edwards"? Seeing signs is not going to sway my vote, and I doubt it'll sway anyone else's vote. People like who they like, and I think that all signs do is get people pissed off when they see one for the person that they don't support.

Someone put up one of the biggest signs that I've seen to date close to my house that says "Bush/Cheney". Someone else then proceeded to spray paint a large X over the sign. First, a huge gawdy sign made me think, "what's wrong with this Bush supporter". Then, a huge spray painted X made me think, "what's wrong with this anti-Bush person".

Don't get me wrong, I'm an advocate of free speech, but I just want people to know, putting up signs for a presidential election doesn't do a damn thing except annoy people, so don't waste your time or money.


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