Monday, October 25, 2004

Are we de-evolving?

Survival of the fittest made sure that only the strongest survived. Those who didn't have features that made sense and those that were weak would ultimately die and not procreate. Now, the way the world is, we make sure everyone lives and has as full of a life as possible no matter how strong or weak. While I agree with giving everyone the highest quality of life possible in a civilized society, I do wonder if we have stopped human evolution in its tracks.

For example, thousands of years ago, the people with slow metabolisms would be able to store food longer and would be the most likely to survive during times of famine. Now, those with slow metabolisms gain too much weight and are, many times, less healthy than those with fast metabolisms.

I am not going to get into some of the more controversial items here because I don't want to anger anyone. My simple point is that we might never get stronger as a race...or are we getting stronger in what matters more? Is it more important to let everyone have input into society? Perhaps we are evolving in a different way. Perhaps strength is no longer the be all, end all of existence. Perhaps it is wisdom and knowledge...or perhaps the goal constantly changes as we do.


Blogger TL said...

it IS still about strength. Strength of the mind though,,,,, we are leaving our bodies behind in the race for knowledge, power, money. I do believe you are fully correct. How do we go about telling the whole world our opinion when the mass media is churning out humans with Dollar bills on their mind every minute of every day? We tell them that the world is more important then money, if anyone listens. .. . . . . . (if being the key word) we will save the world. It is the cure to cancer.

7:53 PM  

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