Monday, November 01, 2004

If you pick a side, stay with it

Okay, before I start this one, I want to let people know...I AM NOT PICKING A SIDE ON THIS ISSUE. My personal beliefs are not going to be contained here, only questions that I have thought of while listening to others argue.

My thoughts have to do with some things I've heard about abortion. The argument tends to come down to whether people think abortion is murder or not. The "pro-choice" side believes that it is not a life yet while the "pro-life" side believes that life starts at conception. Okay, I can respect someone taking either side. You have to go with what you believe in.

When people begin their arguments (which never go anywhere, so I never recommend having them) the question always comes up, "what about in cases of rape or incest?". The answer from "pro-life" people tends to be, "well, those are different cases". This means that in cases of rape or incest, abortion is acceptable. My question is...If it's murder, why is it okay to murder in cases of rape or incest? If you think the baby is an innocent life, then why is it okay to kill it? That is like saying it's okay to murder an innocent person because someone related to them was a victim of a crime.

Overall, I get sick of hearing about the different arguments from both sides. They never go anywhere, and they just tend to piss people off.

I'm sick and tired of hearing whether it is right or wrong. This society is not based on right and wrong. We need to look at whether is should be legal or illegal. And you can't tell me that laws have to do with right or wrong. ANYTHING that is done in society that we consider to be "bad" has been acceptable in some society in the past at some point in time.

Okay, this post is starting to ramble. I'm done for now.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hate to disabuse you of your thoughts, but abortion in the cases of rape, incest and the mothers health make up less than 1% of all cases of abortion. Look up the figures yourself.

This is like trying to legalise cannibalism on the grounds that you may one day be on a boat in the middle of the ocean with just a corpse to eat. It doesnt wash.

12:23 AM  
Blogger The Nacho Expert said...

Thank you for your comment. While I appreciate the input, and I like the fact that you take a stand, I don't fully understand how what you said relates to my thoughts. My thoughts were simply stating the differences in views. At no point in my post did I say that abortion should be legal because of cases of rape or incest. I also didn't say that it should be illegal. I was simply pointing out that the common reasons given for making abortion illegal except in cases of rape or incest don't fully make sense. I'm not taking a side on whether it should be legal or illegal, right or wrong. I'm simply analyzing the arguments that I've heard. Thanks again for the input. I found that cannabilism analogy interesting. I too think that cannabilism should be legal for those reasons. ;-)

4:20 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Picking a side is done for a couple of reasons.
One; to state what you think. If you pick a side, you are just saying what you are understanding at the time. You keep your side until someone from the other side convinces you to change sides or that your side is the right one.
Two; for the sake of arguing. Some people ( I know a few ) pick a side and a reason, wait for someone from the other side to come along, and beat them to death with their reasoning. They will stand by their reason wrong or right.
Depending who comes into contact with who is important. If a person from group one confronts another person from group one then they will exchange ideas and move along happily. If a person from group one confronts a person from group two then the person from group one will either get their opionion changed or they will stick by their desicion and become a person from group two. Speaking of group two, if they confront another person from group two, you will get nothing but a couple of stubborn people arguing.

8:51 PM  

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